Journal Prompts For Navigating Transitions
We may find ourselves moving through cycles where we feel called to reflect. Whether we are experiencing a huge life change, dealing with difficult emotions, or just wanting clarity, journaling can be a powerful tool for naming what is coming up and finding our way to the other side. Here are some prompts to guide your process.
What’s coming alive right now?
What is my next stage of growth?
Coming out of a cocoon, what is my butterfly?
What am I birthing?
What is ready to be released now?
Where can I look for comfort and stability?
How can I take space and reclaim my energy?
What do I have control of?
What do I want?
What are my priorities at this moment?
What am I holding onto that is preventing something new from coming in?
What feels settled? What feels unsettled?
What is complete in my life, even if I still have conflicted feelings about it?
What makes me feel safe and secure?
What relationships are changing?
How can I be okay with my “best for now”?
Where do I need to reclaim my energy and attention?
How can I change my relationship to fear?
What beliefs need to be challenged?
What boundaries do I need to set?
If I had the emotional, spiritual, and mental energy, what would I offer?
What do I want to do differently?
What wants to be celebrated in my life right now?
Where can I simplify my life?
Where do I feel empowered?
How can I give myself time to be with what is here now, and honor what is leaving, before moving on to what is next?
How can I open to receiving what is available to me, instead of focusing on lack?