Take A Step: Listening To Your Ideas

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You ever have an idea that just won’t quit you?

I’m talking about the idea you had weeks, months, maybe even years ago that keeps popping up in your mind.
The idea you had in a serendipitous moment.
The idea that still makes you feel a little excited when you think about it.
The idea that keeps finding you and inspires that small voice inside to say, “What if…?

Maybe it’s an idea about something you want to create.
Or a place you feel called to visit, locally or abroad.
Or a shift you want to make in your home, your body, yourself.

Maybe it’s something new you want to try.
Maybe it’s something old you want to let go of.

Maybe it’s a melody you keep hearing.
Or the first line of the book coming through.

Maybe it’s the image you see in your mind that needs to be expressed.
Maybe it’s the thought, memory, reminder of a dream. The one that keeps on dreaming of you.
Maybe it’s the idea that scares you. And ignites you.

The idea you have so many questions about, and you know they can only be answered by beginning the journey of discovery.

Yeah. That one.

What if it keeps coming up because it’s time to take a step toward it?

What if you looked at it, really listened to that small voice asking “What if…?” and took the first step?

What if you did something with it?

It doesn’t have to be a big something.
It can be a small something.
One thing.


Take the first step.

Pick one thing.


If you need support and guidance with your process and want to work with me, learn more about my coaching offerings here.

Kyana Brindle